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Sheikh Hasina Quits Amid Bloody Protests in Bangladesh


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Sheikh Hasina Quits Amid Bloody Protests in Bangladesh

Dramatically, Sheikh Hasina has stepped down as Prime Minister of Bangladesh after massive and bloody demonstrations staged against the disputed quota system erupted in the country. Literally, protests were painted on the streets across the country, with some demonstrators carrying banners with the message “Quit Hasina” written on them. There was widespread damage to property and massive unrest. In the midst of all this chaos, Hasina fled Dhaka for New Delhi via Hindon Air Force Station, thus bringing a controversial end to her long-standing rule.

Background of the Quota System

The quota system in Bangladesh can be traced back to 1972, when it was introduced by the then prime minister, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Hasina’s father. The system was introduced with the purpose of ensuring that different underrepresented groups were represented both in public service and in institutions of learning. Though being in use for such a long time, the quota system has always been very controversial, with many arguing that it led to inefficiency and corruption in government institutions.

In October 2018, nationwide demonstrations by students and activists that sought to revamp the quota system confronted the Hasina government. Faced by growing demos, she succumbed to abolish reservations, but unease continued simmering within the population, which has caused recent unrest.

Sheikh Hasina Quits Amid Bloody Protests in Bangladesh

A Legacy of Controversy

The career of Sheikh Hasina has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs ever since she came into power for the first time in 1996, where she spent five terms as Prime Minister. She continued to dominate Bangladeshi politics after the coalition government formed in 1996 with the victory of her Awami League and was re-elected in 2009. Her tenure has also been mired by accusations of authoritarianism and manipulations in the just-concluded polls.

By 2001, Hasina’s Awami League had lost power, and her political fortunes were at an all-time low. Her political travails continued well into 2007 when she was barred from entering the country during the period of emergency rule, only to be arrested shortly after upon her return from the United Kingdom. Hasina, however, did regain power later and won international acclaim for the way her government handled the Rohingya refugee crisis by sheltering thousands of people fleeing violence in Myanmar.

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Controversial Elections and Growing Opposition

Hasina’s third term as Prime Minister was especially controversial, with electoral misdeeds and wide-scale violence in the run-up to the election. The key opposition party boycotted polls, which the Awami League won handily, taking 288 of 300 parliamentary seats. This victory was largely criticized for a lack of a level playing field and its implications on democratic governance in Bangladesh.

In 2019, Hasina returned to power amid even more scrutiny of her government’s commitment to democracy and human rights. Opponents have cited increasing repression of dissent, restrictions on media freedom, and the targeting of opposition leaders as indicative of her administration’s authoritarian tendencies.

The Immediate Aftermath of Resignation

Hasina resigned at a juncture that is critical to Bangladesh. The violent protests reflect deep-seated frustrations within the population, particularly among the youth, who have been vocal in demanding political reforms. Stepping down, she leaves behind uncertainty in the political situation, with questions of who is going to be her successor and how the opposition is going to react.

While her stepping down from power could leave a ray of hope for political change in Bangladesh, the future shall be highly uncertain. The opposition parties, totally sidetracked during Hasina’s regime, must see their way through in this highly complex political situation and try to revive their cadres in the wake of her resignation.

The Future Ahead: A New Chapter for Bangladesh

This resignation of Hasina will keep Bangladesh in high gear while the international community looks on with interest. The ability of the political leaders to reach out to the masses by engaging in meaningful dialogue and addressing their grievances will decide how the fate of the country shapes up. Accountability, transparency, and a return to democratic norms are most likely to set the tone for political discourse over the coming months.

This milestone moment in Bangladeshi politics is the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, which mirrors the growing unrest and people’s need for change. The task at hand in opening a new chapter would be to shape a more inclusive and democratic society that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of its people.

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